Quem Somos
A Empresa Klasse Rei foi constituída em 2012, mas a sua história já iniciou em 1998. O seu mentor, José Carlos Pedrosa, desde sempre teve uma grande paixão e vocação pela mecânica, pelo que sempre trabalhou na área da reparação automóvel.
Antes de iniciar o seu percurso individualmente, foi colaborador em oficina multimarca. Depois, durante 10 anos numa empresa oficial da Marca Mercedes Benz.
Depois de devidamente formado, iniciou atividade por conta própria em 1998.

At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
At the heart of every automobile is the engine. The engine is what creates the power and makes the car move. Just like the human heart, the engine requires proper maintenance and care. As your automobile is driven and the engine experiences normal wear and tear, problems will inevitably arise that require repair. Whether you come in for your check engine light, maintenance or repairs, you can count on us to properly diagnose your engine and offer services like:- Standard tune-up
- Filter replacement
- Fuel system cleaning and more
Engine Complete 6-cylinder | $229.99 |
Engine Complete 8-cylinder | $249.99 |
Engine Complete 4-cylinder | $199.99 |
Engine Cradle | $100.99 |
Engine Short Block | $119.99 |
Engine Wire Harness | $33.99 |
Temos o equipamento para verificar, diagnosticar e resolver eficazmente qualquer problema que possa ter.
Troque o óleo e filtros regularmente para se proteger contra desgaste prematuro, impurezas e entupimento.
Temos um vasto conhecimento e experiência em reparações totais ou parciais de motores.
A reparação da caixa de velocidades é realizada seguindo as especificações da marca original.
A manutenção do sistema de suspensão é fundamental no que respeita à segurança ativa do automóvel.
Fazemos rotação e troca de pneus. Um piso desgastado pode provocar problemas de segurança na estrada.
Fazemos a troca da sua bateria cansada por uma nova, sempre seguindo as especificações da marca original.
Prestamos Serviço Especializado

Em baixo estão alguns dos muitos serviços de reparação automóvel que disponibilizamos:
- Reparação e Manutenção do Automóvel Geral
- Reparação e Substituição de Caixas de Velocidade
- Reparação do Sistema de Combustível
- Reparação do Sistema de Escape
- Manutenção do Sistema de Arrefecimento do Motor
- Diagnósticos Elétricos
- Reparação do Circuito de Carga e Arranque
- Alinhamento de Direção
- Testes de Diagnóstico por Computador
- Respeitamos o Serviço Recomendado pelo Fabricante
- Reparação e Substituição de Travões
- Reparação de Ar Condicionado
- Reparação e Substituição de Pneus
- Manutenção Preventiva Geral
- Troca de Óleos, Filtros e Lubrificantes
Nós Facilitamos
Faça uma marcação por telefone ou online e obtenha logo um orçamento. Os nossos mecânicos poderão ir a sua casa ou escritório, caso seja necessário.
Garantia de peças OEM / fábrica
As peças OEM são peças fabricadas especificamente pelo fabricante do automóvel e, portanto, tornam a procura de peças específicas muito mais fácil, para além de garantir qualidade de fábrica.
Preços Justos e Transparentes
Oferecemos preços justos e transparentes, fornecemos estimativas antecipadas para centenas de serviços em milhares de automóveis. Faça a sua marcação com confiança.
100% Serviço de Qualidade
Trabalhamos apenas com mecânicos e técnicos altamente qualificados. Pode ficar descansado com o seu veículo nas nossas mãos.
Problemas com o seu automóvel? Nós reparamos!
Fazemos reparação e manutenção de automóveis. Especializados em Mercedes-Benz.